Postcards from my Kitchen Table

This is my kitchen table. It truly is the heart of our home. It is here that we eat, talk, laugh, cry, sing, argue, watch the birds cluster round the bird feeder, wonder at the changing of the seasons, wave at passing hot air balloons, make lego masterpieces, play games, bake, colour-in…. you get the gist!

Our table is imbued with history. It was madeĀ from old floorboards and a staircase following a mammoth renovation project. The warmth of generations past and present is right there in the aged pitch pine.

And it’s from here at this beautiful kitchen table that I get my inspiration. In Postcards from my Kitchen Table I’ll be asking you to pull up a pew, grab a cup of something and let me share with you some of things we chat about at our table. I hope you enjoy reading.